Village at Grape Creek: Request for a Public Hearing

Public meetings enable the public to learn about the application, ask questions of the applicant and the TCEQ, and offer formal comments. No decision to approve or deny an application is made at a public meeting. (See information about the Village at Grape Creek permit application at )

The TCEQ will hold a public meeting

  • if there is significant interest in an application (your comments and questions submitted to TCEQ will help indicate significant interest.)
  • if a legislator from the area of the proposed project requests one (See legislators contact info below.)
  • if a meeting is otherwise required by law.
  • On certain air applications, the TCEQ will also hold a public meeting if an interested person requests one.

A request for a public meeting must be submitted to the chief clerk during the public comment period and must specify that it is a request for a “public meeting.” A request for a “public hearing” will be considered a request for a contested case hearing, and not a request for a public meeting.,

Please email, call and write Sen. Pete Flores- TX Senate Dist. 24 
Representative Ellen Troxclair Tx. House Dist.19 

to ask them to request a public hearing.