Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ)
Nathan Glavy, GEAA sent this template to us to help us write out letters and comments about wastewater permits:
Date: (Enter Submitted Date Here)
Laurie Gharis, Chief Clerk
Office of the Chief Clerk, MC 105
Texas Commission on Environmental Quality
PO Box 13087
Austin, TX 78711-3087
Subject: Public Comment Submission and Hearing Request Regarding the
Application of the Village at Grape Creek LLC for TPDES Permit No.
I, (Insert Name Here), submit the following public comments regarding the Village at Grape Creek TPDES permit, No. WQ0016363001. In addition, I request a contested case hearing regarding this permit and to be named an affected party with standing (Note: If you do not wish to be an affected party and request a contested case hearing, please remove the previous sentence). My address and phone number are (insert physical address and phone number here)
I am strongly opposed to the issuance of this TPDES permit for the following reasons.
(List 2, 3 or as many individualized issues with the permit. Themes include, but not limited to:
1) water quality issues for surface water/groundwater supplies (well water),
2) concerns about impacts to recreational ability,
3) impacts on financial operations on property; farming, ranching, cattle, and other business operations,
4) concerns to local area’s vegetation, animals, insects, etc., and
5) flooding concerns to name a few themes. Voicing all concerns, big or small, is crucial, even if you think it is not important or relevant)
(To view comments already submitted for some extra guidance,
1) visit https://www14.tceq.texas.gov/epic/eCID/index.cfm, 2) under step two, type WQ0016363001” in the “TCEQ ID Number” text box,
3) under step three, click the check boxes “Include Filings on this item” and “Include all correspondence from the public on this item”, and
4) hit the blue “search” button. You will be taken to a screen that displays the information available on this permit. Scroll down and click on the “Display all Comments” hyperlink to view all the comments public comments submitted.)
Thank you for the attention on this matter.
Respectfully Submitted,
(Your name here)
Special Notes:
The above template for citizens to ensure that all necessary requirements by the TCEQ are included and ensure your best opportunity to be granted a Contested Case Hearing and to be named an Affected Party. Please edit as you see fit and make it your own. All items in italics are to be removed and replaced with your own words
Submitting Public Comments:
Submit your public comments in one of three ways. Note: Please include the TCEQ Permit Number (For Villages at Grape Creek, use WQ0016363001) when submitting your comments
1) Comment Online at: https://www14.tceq.texas.gov/epic/eComment/
a. You may add an attachment or file when submitting your online comments.
b. You will receive an online confirmation when you online comments were successfully received.
2) Mail Comments to:
Office of the Chief Clerk, MC 105
PO Box 13087
Austin, TX 78711-3087
3) Fax Comments to: 512-239-3311
a. Note: If you fax your filing, you must mail or hand-deliver the original
document and the appropriate number of copies to the Office of the Chief Clerk within three business days.
Many thanks, to Nathan Glavy.
TCEQ Guide to Guide to TTCEQ PCEQ Permit Permit Process
Go to
To find the permit #
Go to https://www15.tceq.texas.gov/crpub/index.cfm?fuseaction=cust.CustSearch
Enter the name of the Development
Press Search
This will give you the CN#, click on it
This should give you the RN#, click on it
This will return all sorts of numbers but the one you want is the WQ#
This is the permit number. Copy the full permit number for use below.
How to make comments on permits:
Enter the permit #
Follow the instructions
To see all the comments on a particular permit request
Go to https://www14.tceq.texas.gov/
then put in the permit #
be sure to check the boxes for
Include Filings on this Item
Include all Correspondence for this item