Recently, we learned of a new development. The location of this development is Jenschke Lane and 290 appox. It looks like it will have an entrance on Hwy 290 that will be west of the museum.
Current plans call for 185 lots. Some will be small homes, some tiny homes and some single room cabins (simulated hotel rooms/small cabins with bed and bath) for overnight stays.
Our concern at the Pedernales River Alliance is that they are requesting a permit to discharge 20,000 gallons of treated wastewater (sewage) into “an unnamed tributary” of the Pedernales River. Peak flow may be as great as 50,000 gallons/day (attachment 5 in the application.)
The application for this permit is available for review at the Library in Fredericksburg. It is at the reference desk and you have to ask to see it. The librarian has it. You can take it to a table and read it and you may copy it or any portion of it, if you choose. Or you can read it online at Village at Grape Creek Permit Application.
The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) is the state entity that will approve/disapprove the permit.
You can make comments citing why dumping 20-50,000 gallons into a dry creek bed that will eventually flow into into the Pedernales is not a great idea. Specifically, they may be dumping into a dry creek bed but it will sit in that dry creek bed, evaporate, accumulate, and, when it rains, this concentrate will be washed into the Pedernales.
If you grew up along this creek your comments are especially valuable. Tell TCEQ what this little tributary meant to you growing up.
In addition to voicing your opinion about this development, you may also ask questions about the following topics and more:
- Flooding – Is the development on the flood plain?
- Flooding – Is the development on the 100 year flood plain?
- Where will runoff be directed when it rains?
- What will the impact be on adjacent wetlands (See the Fema map @ ?
- Will there be a traffic light installed on Hwy 290?
- Will the developer be required to install lighting supportive of Dark Skies?
- Will the developer be required to preserve trees already existing on the land?
- Will the developer be required to restore the understory that has been cleared from the creek banks?
- Will streets and sidewalks in the development be permeable?
- Will dumping treated sewage into the creekbed smell?
- Will it be safe for children to play in the creekbed where the treated sewage will be dumped?
- Where will water come from for this subdivision and will it affect my well?
- What will be done to ensure emergency vehicles can enter/depart the development without hindrance?
After entering the permit application number, please take note of the information just below about receiving an email from TCEQ acknowledging receipt of your comments.
You will also be asked for your name, address, phone and email; It is recommended that you type out your comments and questions about the wastewater permit beforehand so that all you have to do is copy/paste.
Once all is done, proofread and hit the Submit button. If you do not receive an email from TCEQ acknowledging receipt of your comments within an hour, go back and re-enter your comments.
Thank-you for submitting your comments and questions to TCEQ. The more who do so, the more impact all the comments and questions will have.