Native Plants

Native Plants

It is important to plant native plants because

      • Plants that are not native to your ecoregion of Texas are likely to need more water and pampering to survive…or maybe less. You may not know which until you’ve killed a few
      • Native plants do not need as much water or attention as non-natives
      • Non-native plants often do not have any predators and can out compete native plants for resources
      • Native plants love it here and butterflies, bees and birds love native plants
      • Non-native plants often need fertilizer which can mix with stormwater and create runoff that is toxic to the river. The extra nutrients feed algae and can result in algae blooms in the river.
      • Native plants do not need to be fertilized

Knowing what to plant and where to plant and, even, how to care for your plants can be challenging. If you live in Gillespie County then the you most likely live on the Edwards Plateau, an ecoregion unto itself.

Join Native Plant Society of Texas (NPSOT) and/or Texas Master Naturalist (TMN) to learn all you can about native plants.

Use the below  NPSOT spreadsheet to find the best native plants for your project.

Need More Help?

Still not sure and not feeling confident? Coming from an ecoregion that had lots of water likely made you feel like you could grow anything. Coming from an ecoregion that is drier than the Edwards Plateau could have left you with fewer choices. Now you are confronted with an ecoregion where water is limited but sometimes comes down in the form of hail or in a deluge. The soil is basically sand or clay and there is lots of caliche and rocks. Landscaping can be a real challenge in the Hill Country.

Here is some help. Marcus Parker is a Landscape Architect who specializes in native plants in the Edwards Plateau. He is new to town but has a strong focus on native plants If you want a hydrangeas and tulips, this is not your guy. Drop him an email or give him a call at  (830) 992-3484.

If you know of other Landscape Architects who are committed to the use of native plants only in their landscape designs, please tell us about them at