Hill Country Underground Water Conservation District

Hill Country Underground Water Conservation District (HCUWCD)

Paul Tybor has been the Director of the Hill Country Underground Water Conservation District for the past 35+ years. He is now kicking back and retiring. Big shoes to fill but he has, as always, worked diligently to ensure the incoming Director, Paul Babb, is up to speed on everything Gillespie County. Wishing all the best to Paul Tybor.


Welcome aboard, Paul Babb, who is coming to us from Blanco County. 

Paul Tybor retires
Paul Tybor retires


Scheduled Meetings w/Agenda


Office phone #830-997-4472

Paul Babb: cell phone #830-225-3169, email address: pbabb@hcuwcd.org

Margaret Ratliff: cell phone #325-248-4492, email address: hcuwcd@austin.rr.com