HCUWCD Meeting of 4/26/2023

The HCUWCD’s Board heard comments and concerns from nearby residents about the permit application by Firefly LLC for 26.94 acre-ft of water annually across 4 wells @ Firefly, LLC on FM1376. 
Why would the Pedernales River Alliance be concerned with this? We are concerned with anything like this that is happening in the Pedernales River Watershed in Gillespie County. This new development is within the watershed because South Grape Creek flows from just south of there up to the Pedernales. Yes, we are concerned. Much of the Pedernales falls within the

Ellenburger Critical Groundwater Depletion Area 1 which was declared earlier this month. Clearly, this is not surface water but it does directly affect it. As you read on, you will hear about pollution, the unnecessary removal of vegetation, excessive use of water and more. These things effect our surface water and surface water often flows to the aquifer. Runoff certainly does. So, yes, the Pedernales River Alliance is concerned.

Comments were clear and to the point. Many residents were very unhappy with Firefly as they felt that Firefly was asking for too much water and had not shown care for the land or the neighbors. Discussion on many of the points was lively and considerable.

Residents Asked Questions

The HCUWCD addressed these questions about water as follows:–Would their well levels be affected by Firefly’s wells? unknown. Select neighboring wells will be monitored and if dips in production are seen, the HCUWCD will take action.

–Why did Firefly not have to get a permit for their 4 wells? wells in Gillespie county do not require permits. They are required to be registered and Firefly’s 4 wells were appropriately registered.

–Will their wells be metered? Yes, all of the Firefly wells will be metered but only 2 will be outfitted for online monitoring.

–What penalties would Firefly incur if they use more water than allowed? The penalties for using more water than allowed are not significant. The penalties are set by the state.

Residents Asked About Other Things

Apart from concerns about wells, the residents also spoke about

–airborne dust and dirt from construction – there has been no watering of the construction areas to prevent dust and dirt pollution.

–Removal of nearly all trees and vegetation from Firefly – Firefly scraped all vegetation and trees from most of their property. They do plan to plant new trees and some wildflowers but it will take years for the trees to grow.

–Noise of construction which begins each day at 7:00a.

–Huge trucks ruining private roads that should not have been driving on in the first place.

Board Approved with Conditions

In the end, however, The Board voted to approve Firefly’s permit application with the following conditions:

–All four of Firefly wells will be metered. Two will have monitoring equipment installed to enable virtual monitoring.

–Firefly must provide receipts for the purchase of water used to refill the swimming pools in order to show that the water is not coming from a well in Gillespie County.

–HCUWCD will work with select owners of neighboring wells to equip their wells with monitoring equipment. This will provide them monthly production reports and metering data and enable HCUWCD to monitor for draw down on the neighboring wells. If this occurs, they will reconvene for further action.

–Recommended that Firefly’s landscape should be xeriscaped instead of landscaped with traditional lawns and that they set up a rainwater collection system.

Last item, Firefly has purchased 26 acres adjacent to the backside of their property. They claim to have no plans for it just yet. I asked them clearly to not cut down all the trees and vegetation. One of the Firefly reps said they would not. We shall see.

Many thanks to all who showed up to be heard. As I mentioned above, it was standing room only and few were silent. Folks were respectful but passionate. In the end, it was clear that we must all continue to be present and participate if we are to be heard.